Classically Trained and 28 other FREE stories!
Noah has one goal before he finishes art school: sleep with a teacher. His chosen conquest isn’t just anyone. Professor Gates is a blond...
Classically Trained and 28 other FREE stories!
Speak No Evil is HERE and $20 Amazon giveaway!
The Never Ending Process
If you ever want to torture yourself…
The Ever Growing Problem and a Speak No Evil Sneak Peek
I can’t tie my shoes.
Pushing for More
The Little Lies We Tell Ourselves
Grand Planning
Maybe rethink your comment.
I choose you random citizen…
A tiny little rant
Capital Offense Out Now
King Consort $2.99 release SALE
The Evolution of Gray
Preorder King Consort
I Accidentally Wrote What?
Forsaken is here!
Forsaken is here!
Say Yes Giveaway!